08.28.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Background Checks for MMSD Every year mentors need to fill out the background form with MMSD. You should have done this when you first became a mentor. Please fill this out by mid-September. Your coaches will follow up with you. Weekly Training Resource This week’s training resource is the the second chapter, about practicing cultural […]

08.21.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Ultimate 101 Youth Clinic Intentional Mentoring is invited to join the American Ultimate Disc League (AUDL) beginner’s ultimate disc clinic for youth ages 8-15 before the Championship Final on August 27. The clinic will take place at Reynolds park from 5:30-6:30pm and will be led by some of the league’s professional players. Admission is free, […]

08.14.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Ultimate 101 Youth Clinic Intentional Mentoring is invited to join the American Ultimate Disc League (AUDL) beginner’s ultimate disc clinic for youth ages 8-15 before the Championship Final on August 27. The clinic will take place at Reynolds park from 5:30-6:30pm and will be led by some of the league’s professional players. Admission is free, […]

08.07.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Weekly Training Resource This week’s training resource is a 27 minute podcast called “One Trusted Adult”. How does this help me in my mentoring relationship? A trusted adult during the teen years is key to ensuring a person’s mental health remains strong in their lifetime. In the episode, Brooklyn cites research that has proven this […]

07.31.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Weekly Training Resource This week’s training resource is a short article is called “With Student Trauma, It’s Okay to Set Boundaries”. How does this help me in my mentoring relationship? From the article: “In working with students who are in pain, educators may experience emotional, physical, and relational symptoms, with many affected teachers emphasizing a […]

07.24.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Weekly Training Resource This week’s training resource is a 18 minute TED talk is called “The Lie That Invented Racism”. Don’t forget to fill out the response form after completing each training. Challenge for the Week For July, the challenges will center around the theme of Independence. This week’s challenge is to teach your mentee […]

07.17.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Weekly Training Resource This week’s training resource is a website that contains a mix of media to help us learn about Anxiety in Youth. Don’t forget to fill out the response form after completing each training. Challenge for the Week For July, the challenges will center around the theme of Independence. This week’s challenge is […]

07.10.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Weekly Training Resource This week’s training resource is an article is called “What Great Listeners Actually Do”. Don’t forget to fill out the response form after completing each training. Challenge for the Week For July, the challenges will center around the theme of Independence. This week’s challenge is work on teaching your mentee self-help. The […]

07.03.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Movie Time Reminder! Intentional Mentoring is hosting a movie night at Marcus Point Cinema on July 7th @ 6:30 pm to see the movie Lightyear! Everyone who comes to the event will get a seat, popcorn, and a drink. Katie Mae and Franny will be in the lobby at a table by 6:15 pm to welcome you […]

06.26.22 Weekly Mentor Update

Movie Time! We are SO excited to have a community event this summer after a pause over the last couple of years.  While we aren’t jumping right back into our cookout, we are trying something new.  Intentional Mentoring is hosting a movie night at Marcus Point Cinema on July 7th @ 6:30 pm to see the movie […]