03.09.25 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For March, the challenges will center around the theme of Literacy. This week’s challenge is to try your hand at storytelling. One way you could do this is by writing a story with your mentee. Or, you could tell a story together. You say a random sentence to start it off and then have […]

03.02.25 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For March, the challenges will center around the theme of Literacy. This week’s challenge is to read with your mentee. Perhaps this looks like sitting in a coffee shop with your own books and cup of hot cocoa. Maybe it’s you reading your mentee’s favorite book with them or reading part of your favorite […]

02.23.25 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For February, the challenges will center around the theme of Share the Love. This week’s challenge is to tell your mentee what you like about them. Be specific – tell them you’ve noticed that they are funny, generous, authentic, mature, creative, etc.. Give your mentee specifics and make them feel the warm fuzzies! […]

01.19.25 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For January, the challenges will center around the theme of Looking Ahead. This week’s challenge continues from last week’s but instead of reflecting on how you view the mentoring relationship, talk to your mentee about how they view it. If you’re new to the program, ask your mentee why they wanted a mentor […]

01.05.25 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For January, the challenges will center around the theme of Looking Ahead. This week’s challenge starts with YOU. Take some time this week to reflect on your mentoring relationship and then think ahead to where you’d like to see it go. If you’re new to the program, reflect on why you became a […]

12.22.24 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development This will, most likely, be a busy week for both you and your mentee. This means you may not have the chance to spend time with them in person, but you can still spend time with them over the phone, via text or any other form of social media! This week’s challenge is […]

12.15.24 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For December, the challenges will center around the theme of Family. This week’s challenge is to talk with your mentee about traditions their family does during this time of year. What do they look forward to? Maybe help them brainstorm new traditions they could start this year. In December you will be discussing […]

12.08.24 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For December, the challenges will center around the theme of Family. This week’s challenge is for you to spend a little time with someone in your mentee’s family. This could look a lot of ways. Some options are: 1) Hang around for a few minutes and talk to mom/dad/guardian when you pick up […]

12.01.24 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For December, the challenges will center around the theme of Family. To start, talk to your mentee about the people in their family. Who do they live with? Is there any other family nearby that they spend time with or are close with? Do they have other family members who don’t live with them? […]

11.24.24 Weekly Mentor Update

Mentor Development For November, the challenges will center around the theme of Giving Thanks. So far in November you’ve been challenged to write notes of appreciation, say “thank you,” shout-out your gratitude and to let your mentee know you’re grateful for them. This week’s challenge is to work with your mentee to become the person […]