Mentor Development

For February, the challenges will center around the theme of Share the Love. This week’s challenge is to tell your mentee what you like about them. Be specific – tell them you’ve noticed that they are funny, generous, authentic, mature, creative, etc.. Give your mentee specifics and make them feel the warm fuzzies! For some of your mentees, this may be the first time anyone has told them such things. Pay attention to how they are responding and even ask how hearing compliments made them feel.

There are lots of indoor and outdoor activities to do around Madison during the colder months.

Museums are a great way to spend time together – check out all the different free museums around town!
11 Warm Things to Do in Madison in the Winter

study by Polish researchers suggests that walking through a snowy landscape leads to a greater sense of self-esteem. Lucky us.

While it’s different for everybody, it takes an average of 2,000 steps to walk a mile. Here are some brief walking routes for you to get your steps in no matter the weather.

Bear Mound Park loop | 1 mile | ~2,000 steps
This loop starts and ends at the easternmost end of Vilas Avenue, wrapping around Bear Mound Park.

Cherokee Marsh Bluebird loop | .5 miles | ~1,000 steps
Note that there are no dogs allowed at this conservation park.

Guided Arboretum hikes | 2-3 miles | ~4,000-6,000 steps
Guided hikes are offered every weekend, making for great multi-generational outings.

Tenney Park Breakwater | .25 miles | ~500 steps
This brisk stroll allows for an unobstructed view of Mendota’s shoreline.

Friends of Sequoya Library Book Sale
Saturdays: March 1, 15, April 5, May 3, 17, June 7, July 5, August 2

This sale takes place at the Friends of Sequoya Bookshop, 6672 Odana Road . On the first Saturday of each month, Friends of Sequoya Book Sales take place at our shop located at 6672 Odana Road in Market Square (next to Play-it-Again Sports).

Beginners Bird Walk
Saturday March 1, 9:00am-11:00am

This field trip is designed for folks new to birding, and is family-friendly! We will explore the wonderful Cherokee Marsh North Unit, enjoying the sights and sounds of winter. We will share bird ID and talk about how to tell that bird species apart from others. This is a low-key, slow paced, no-pressure outing for beginners. We will meet at the Cherokee Marsh North lot and trailhead at the end of N Sherman Ave ( 43°10’01.8″N 89°21’52.1″W ). This incredible spot has a variety of habitats and trails, so we will decide together which we’d like to explore! Together, we’ll look and listen for birds, focusing on tips for identification. Feel free to bring a camera, binoculars, and/or field guide if you wish. Binoculars are not required, though there will be some available to borrow, if you’d like. Questions? Contact Brenna Marsicek, or 608-255-2473

Indoor Nature Walk of Bird and Blossom
Saturday, March 8, 2:00pm
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art

David Drake, Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at UW-Madison, leads a tour of the exhibition Bird and Blossom, focusing on the bird habitats depicted. Explore the natural world in this 30-minute gallery talk through the woodblock prints in the exhibition while gaining insight into the native habitats of the birds depicted.

📸 We love seeing photos of you and your mentee spending time together! Please share them with us via your coach or using the hashtag #intentionalmentoringmadison 📸

Mentor Coaching Group Meeting Dates

We switched to monthly one-on-one coaching meetings. Your coach will reach out to you to schedule your next meeting.

If you have a change in personal information (phone/address/email) please respond to this email or notify your mentor coach ASAP. 

If you have questions or need help with a situation and can’t reach your coach, contact:
Katie Mae

All the best,
Intentional Mentoring