Mentor Development

For November, the challenges will center around the theme of Giving Thanks. Due to it being a holiday week and there being a high chance that you and your mentee are both busy, this week’s challenge is to check-in with your mentee at least once to remind them that you are thankful for them and see how their holiday is/was. For some this may be a wonderful time of celebration with family and friends, for others it may not. Hearing from you could be just what your mentee needs in order to put an extra smile on their face! As always, be sure to talk, listen, share and learn together!

Mentor Growth and Development Plan for September-November plan is here.

Race and Equity

Both bringing up and responding to sensitive topics is often challenging. Thankfully, the Anti-Defamation League has created Table Talk guides to help us all do it well. Check out their selection of topics and suggested questions and then try engaging your mentee in an open dialogue! Table Talk Guide

📸 We love seeing photos of you and your mentee spending time together! Please share them with us via your coach or using the hashtag #intentionalmentoringmadison ðŸ“¸

Mentor Coaching Group Meeting Dates

VAL: Monday, November 27th 6:30 – 7:30pm

RYAN: Monday, December 4th 5:30 – 6:30pm

If you have a change in personal information (phone/address/email) please respond to this email or notify your mentor coach ASAP. 

If you have questions or need help with a situation and can’t reach your coach, contact:
Katie Mae

All the best,
Intentional Mentoring