Mentor Development
For October, the challenges will center around the theme of Character Education. This week’s challenge is to teach your mentee about trustworthiness. Trustworthiness involves three key aspects: honestly, reliability and loyalty. Talk through a few scenarios that involve people being trustworthy (these can be from your own life, the lives of people you know or even scenarios you’ve seen on TV). After you’ve shared the scenarios, ask your mentee what they think it means to be trustworthy and see if they can share some scenarios from their own life.
Mentor Growth and Development Plan for September-November plan is here.
Race and Equity
Every day at home, at work and out in public, people hear and, sometimes, say words that demean and hurt others from different groups and with different backgrounds. Regardless of whether or not these words are said out of hate or ignorance, they impact those they’re directed at and those who hear them. Oftentimes, our response to hearing these types of words is to not respond. However, a good rule of thumb is that any response is better than no response. Perhaps try following up with these questions and engaging in a respectful dialogue.
What did you mean by what you said?
To me, that sounded like a stereotype. Do you understand why that was so hurtful?
~Taken From
Corn Maze Fun
We would love for you, your families, your mentees, and their families to join us for some Corn Maze fun! Join us at Treinen Farm on October 15th at 1pm. Intentional Mentoring will pay for the corn maze for anyone who shows up for the event.

We love seeing photos of you and your mentee spending time together! Please share them with us via your coach or using the hashtag #intentionalmentoringmadison
Mentor Coaching Group Meeting Dates
VAL: Monday, October 30th 6:30 – 7:30pm
RYAN: Monday, November 6th 5:30 – 6:30pm
If you have a change in personal information (phone/address/email) please respond to this email or notify your mentor coach ASAP.
All the best,
Intentional Mentoring