Football is back!! Are you excited? Let’s hope what is happening right now isn’t a sign of things to come for the Packers 😬
Don’t forget to follow us and tag us on social media! Look for IntentionalMentoringMadison on FB, Instagram and Twitter!
Please review the COVID update below from our director, KatieMae.
Dear Intentional Mentoring Community,
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Intentional Mentoring has been maintaining a COVID policy that aligns with the current CDC recommendations and MMSD’s district policies.
As we move into this school year and continue to support our students and families, we want to make sure our policy is clear for our entire Intentional Mentoring community. Please see the points below and reach out if you have questions or concerns.
- Mentoring meetings may happen in person as long as the student, student’s family, and mentor are comfortable. If they happen inside and in person, or where appropriate distancing cannot happen, masks must be worn.
- The mentor is responsible for respecting the wishes of students and families. If they are unsure of how to approach this conversation, they should work with their mentor coach.
- The mentor is responsible for continuing to meet with the student each week whether that be virtually or in person. If they have concerns about this, they should meet with their coach.
- Any meetings for interviews, pairings, coaching, or planning may happen in person if all parties are comfortable. If they happen indoors and in person, or where appropriate distancing cannot happen, masks must be worn.
Thanks for helping support the safety of our community.
Challenge for the week:
For September, the challenges will center around the theme of Back to School. This week’s challenge is to do a check-in. Before school started, you talked to your mentee about their hopes and anxieties for the school year. This week, check-in with them. How were they able to deal with their anxieties the first week? Did their fears dissipate or change? Do they see possibility in their hopes? Did new anxieties or hopes show up? Get them talking about what they’re feeling! As always, talk, question, listen, challenge and encourage your mentee!
BONUS CHALLENGE: September is Back-to-School Month and this means joy for some, anxiety for others and fear for a few. Let’s challenge ourselves to meet our mentees where they’re at this month. Walking alongside someone and sharing in their joy enhances that experience for them. Walking next to someone in moments of anxiety provides them with a sense of security and support. Walking beside someone who is afraid gives them a sense of safety and encouragement. Let’s be the people who walk alongside, next to and beside others this month.
TIP of the WEEK:Â Â
You may not be aware of any ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that your mentee has experienced, but if they are exhibiting any of the symptoms below, it’s likely they have experienced one or several.
-Basic mistrust of adults/unable to depend on others
-Belief that the world is unsafe and/or bad things will happen
-Assumes blame, rejection, fear/anxiety
-Feelings of hopelessness/pessimism
📸 We love seeing photos of you and your mentee spending time together! Please share them with us via your coach or using the hashtag #intentionalmentoringmadison 📸
Mentor Coaching Group Meeting Dates:
ASHLEY: Monday, September 27th 6:30 – 7:30
RYAN: Monday, September 6th 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming Events to Note
- FREE Virtual Performing Arts events!
- Urban League of Greater Madison events and opportunities!!
- There are a lot of cool and FREE events at the Dream Bank on E. Washington St.. Check out the AmFam Dream Bank site for more info and to register.
- For a listing of local events checkout
- Free Library Events/Activities: Fitchburg Events Calendar Madison Events Calendar
- For Orchard Ridge events check Orchard Ridge Calendar
- For Toki events check Toki Calendar
- For Sennett events check Sennett Calendar
- For Cherokee events check Cherokee Calendar
- For Blackhawk events check Blackhawk Calendar
- For JMM HS events check Memorial HS Calendar
- For West HS events check West HS Calendar
- For La Follette HS events check La Follette Calendar
If you have a change in personal information (phone/address/email) please respond to this email or notify your mentor coach ASAP.

All the best,
Intentional Mentoring