🌼Happy spring everyone!🌼
If you haven’t marked your calendars for Thursday, April 15th yet, do it now! MOD Pizza in Fitchburg has generously offered to give back 20% off of what you spend that day to Intentional Mentoring!! Details below. You MUST bring in the flyer if you order in-person. Use the code on the flyer to order online.

Just a friendly reminder – please be mindful of Dane County’s face mask order & COVID precautions mandates.
Don’t forget to follow us and tag us on social media! Look for IntentionalMentoringMadison on FB, Instagram and Twitter!
Challenge for the week:
For March, the challenges will center around the theme of Literacy. This week’s challenge is to do an activity that involves reading directions. Follow a recipe to bake cookies or muffins or, find online directions for a DIY project or craft. Is your mentee into drama? Find a two character play and read the script together! Like to play games? Open a board game and follow the directions to learn how to play. Whatever you choose, encourage your mentee to do the reading and guide you. Have fun!
BONUS CHALLENGE: March is Women’s History Month. Check out these links, Women’sHistoryMonth.gov or 31 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month for ideas on learning, sharing and growing in knowledge and awareness.
TIP of the WEEK: The mission of Intentional Mentoring is to have Mentors interact with school, community, and families in order to strengthen the support network for students facing adversity. As you’re pursuing a closer relationship with your mentee’s family, keep your and your mentee’s family’s cultural responses to relationships in mind. Think about the ways different cultures approach personal space, communication and involvement. Before assuming, ask. Before judging, consider. Before avoiding, share. Being aware is the first step to understanding!
📸We love seeing photos of you and your mentee spending time together! Please share them with us via your coach or using the hashtag #intentionalmentoringmadison 📸
Mentor Coaching Group Meeting Dates:
ASHLEY: Scheduled Individually for now ashley@intentionalmentoringmadison.org
RYAN: Monday, March 1st 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Ryan@intentionalmentoringmadison.org
Upcoming Events to Note
- Intentional Mentoring day at MOD Pizza! Thursday, April 15th!!
- FREE Virtual Performing Arts events!
- Urban League of Greater Madison events and opportunities!!
- There are a lot of cool and FREE events at the Dream Bank on E. Washington St.. Check out the AmFam Dream Bank site for more info and to register.
- For a listing of local events checkout www.MadisonWithKids.com
- Free Library Events/Activities: Fitchburg Events Calendar Madison Events Calendar
- For Orchard Ridge events check Orchard Ridge Calendar
- For Toki events check Toki Calendar
- For Sennett events check Sennett Calendar
- For Cherokee events check Cherokee Calendar
- For Blackhawk events check Blackhawk Calendar
- For JMM HS events check Memorial HS Calendar
- For West HS events check West HS Calendar
- For La Follette HS events check La Follette Calendar
If you have a change in personal information (phone/address/email) please respond to this email or notify your mentor coach ASAP.
“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” ~Steven Spielberg
All the best,
Intentional Mentoring